Janaushadhi Bppi is trying to manage the demand and supply of such stores and an increase in the number of centers will lead to an increase in demand. Many other important factors are important to open such a Kendra. They are: Either your own space or a rented space, but you must have a legally valid rental agreement. At least 180 square meters. Area is the standard area for opening a Jan Aushadhi store. The owner must have a valid drug license in the name of ‘Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Bppi’ and other important permissions that will help in opening a drug store.
All legal requirements must be met to qualify for a drug storage permit.
Applicants should consider this point carefully.
PAN card and Aadhaar are mandatory for those applying in such centers.
If the applicant is her NGO/hospital or non-profit institution, certificate of incorporation and registration are required in addition to PAN card and Aadhar.
In case of applicants from Government Designated Bodies/Government etc. The applicant will have to provide the information of the department for which the seat will be allotted along with important documents like PAN Card, Sanction Order, Aadhar, PAN Card.
Every Janaushadhi Bppi must have a professional pharmacist and proofs such as name, registration certificate and other important details must be provided.
Applicants must also provide their financial position as evidenced by three years of audited financial statements and sanction notices if they wish to submit the same for further credit requirements.